Planets like Earth | List of New planets Like Earth

Planets like Earth

Is there a possibility of life on any planet other than Earth or is there other planets like Earth in space. If it is, what will that planet be like? Will there be rivers and oceans like the Earth or will there be rocks scattered on it? Is it possible to find planets like Earth where the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, where living is favorable for humans? Yes, such planets like Earth have been discovered. The place or zone where such planets are located in outer space, we call them 'Goldilocks Zone'.

What is Habitable Zone or Goldilocks Zone ?

The area at a distance from a star where the water can remain in the liquid state is called the Habitable Zone or Goldilocks Zone. In other words, planets like Earth which are at such a distance from their stars from which there is neither more heat nor more cold on that planet. The area with such planets is called Goldilocks Zone. These areas are also called Life Zones. Remember that the star around which all the planets of our Solar System revolve is the Sun, and the Earth revolves in Sun's Habitable Zone.

The Goldilocks zone was first discussed by Hubertus Strughold in 1953 in his book "The Green and Red Planet: A Physiological Study of the Possibility of Life on Mars".

Is Earth the only Habitable Planet in our Solar System ?

There is no possibility of human existence on any planet in our solar system other than Earth. The reason for this is the distance between the planets and their star i.e. the Sun. [ Keep in mind that the Sun is also a star.] Mercury and Venus are very close to the Sun due to which the temperature on those planets is very high. Because of which we cannot live on those planets. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is a distance that brings the Earth inside the habitable zone. Due to such a distance from the Sun, the temperature of the Earth is neither too hot nor too cold which makes it habitable for humans.

Talking about other planets, the other four planets of our solar system are made up of gases like helium and hydrogen, (except Mars) where no any solid surface is present even to stand. In this situation, Earth is the only planet in our solar system where humans exist.

planets like earth
Our Solar System

[ Note – Mars is also in the list of planets like earth and it is discussed at the end.]

List of Planets like Earth

Here are some planets like Earth. They are not exactly like Earth but they have maximum possibility to be like Earth.

1. HD85512B

This is the first planet of our list Planets like Earth. This planet is a planet outside our solar system which was discovered on 17 August 2011. This planet orbits its star HD95512 from its Habitable Zone. This planet is located 36.6 light years away from Earth, in Vela salt constellation. It completes the orbit of its star in about 54 days. The mass of this planet is about five times that of Earth. This planet receives two times more heat from its sun than the Earth. This planet also does not rotate on its axis, so that one part of it is always towards the sun where there is light and the other part is always covered with darkness.

2. Kepler-62F

This is the second planet of our list Planets like Earth. This planet is a planet outside our solar system which was discovered on 18 April 2013 during NASA's Kepler Mission. The planet is orbiting its star Kepler-62 from its Habitable Zone. This planet is located in a Lyra, about 990 light years away from Earth. It completes the orbit of its star in about 267 days. This planet takes about 60% less heat from its sun than the Earth. It is believed that this planet does not rotate on its axis, so that on one side of this planet there is always day and on the other side it is always night. Scientists speculate that this planet is either a rocky planet with little water or a planet with all most water on it.

3. Kepler-452B

This is the third planet of our list Planets like Earth. This planet is a planet outside our solar system which was discovered on 23 April 2015 with the help of Kepler telescope. This planet is located in a Cygnus Constellation, about 1402 light years away from Earth. The mass of this planet is about 5 times more than that of Earth and its gravitational force is about 2 times more than the Earth. This planet is orbiting the star named 'Kepler-452' and it takes about 385 days to complete the orbit of its star.
Keep in mind that there is still doubt about the existence of this planet.

4. Gliese581D

This is the fourth planet of our list Planets like Earth. This planet is a planet outside our solar system that was discovered on 24 April 2017. This planet orbits its star 'Gliese581' from its Habitable Zone. This planet is located 20.4 light years away from the Earth in Libra Constellation. It completes the orbit of its star in about 67 days. The mass of this planet is about five times that of Earth. This planet receives two times more heat from its sun than the Earth. This planet also does not rotate on its axis.

5. Proxima Centauri B

This is the fifth planet of our list Planets like Earth. This planet is a planet outside our solar system that was discovered on 24 August 2016. This planet revolves in the Habitable Zone of its star 'Proxima Centauri'. The planet is located 4.2 light years away from Earth in the Centaurus Constellation. This planet completes the rotation of its star in about 11 days. This planet is 30% larger than Earth. Scientists say that destructive winds run on this planet, which is 2000 times more dangerous than the winds on Earth.

6. Kepler-438B

This is the sixth planet of our list Planets like Earth. This planet is a planet outside our solar system that was discovered in 2015. This planet is orbiting its star 'Kepler-438' from its Habitable Zone. This planet is located in Lyra Constellation, 470 light years away from Earth. It completes the rotation of its star in about 35 days. Radius of this planet is 12% more than the Earth and it takes 40% more heat from its sun than the Earth. There is a possibility of rocky surfaces on 70% of its area. According to scientists, the Kepler-438B is 70% habitable for humans.

7. Mars

This is the seventh planet of our list Planets like Earth. As we know, Mars is one of the planet of our solar system. Looking at today's era, it would not be wrong to say that in a short time we will be able to go to Mars. Mars is a planet like Earth that takes the sun's heat in the right amount. Mars is smaller than our Earth whose area is less than the entire land area of ​​Earth. Its volume is only 15% of the volume of the Earth. Its gravitational force is also only 38% of the Earth's gravitational force. The average temperature of the planet's surface is 23 degrees centigrade and on mars, a year is of 687 days. Scientists also say that there used to be water on this planet at one time. Many missions have been done for studying Mars and many will also be done. Hopefully, if we humans ever had to leave the Earth, then we will go to Mars.

planets like earth

New discovered Planets like Earth

There are 8 new planets like Earth that have been discovered by NASA's 'Keplar Space Telescope' which clarifies the concept of Goldilocks Zone. These planets are as follows –

  1. Kepler-438B
  2. Kepler-442B
  3. Kepler-440B
  4. Kepler-186F
  5. Kepler-62F
  6. Kepler-62E
  7. Kepler-296E
  8. Kepler-296F
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