What is Warp Drive | Faster than Light travel is Possible

What is Warp Drive Explained in Detail

What is Warp Drive

Introduction : What is Warp Drive ?

If you have already heard about Warp Drive then I am sure that you really want to know about what is warp drive and how warp drive works? Well in this post you will get to know all about what is warp drive and is warp drive possible in real life or not? We know that the universe is spreading from all sides and its speed is so high that it is beating the speed of light. From which we came to know that the theory of Albert Einstein according to which any object in this universe, having its own mass, can never move at the speed of light, applies to all the objects which exist in this universe, but itself not on universe.

Let us understand this in easy language. We know that this universe was created about 13.7 billion years ago due to the Big Bang. If we assume that after the explosion, this universe would have spread at the speed of light, then today its diameter should not be more than 28 billion light years. But according to the calculations of astronomers, the diameter of this universe is about 93 billion light years. It is clear from this that the speed of outbreak of this universe has always been higher than the speed of light. That is, the principle of relativity does not apply to this universe itself, it only applies to the objects inside this universe. That means the universe itself or this space can spread and also can shrink at a higher speed than light.

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That is, instead of making a vehicle running at the speed of light, if we expand the space behind the vehicle at the speed of light and compress the space ahead it at the same speed, then our vehicle will reach its destination before light, without any effort.

What is Warp Drive

The point to note here is that we will only be expanding the space behind the vehicle and compressing the space ahead of it. But the vehicle itself will be safe inside a bubble and there will be no change in the space inside this bubble. If you know about time dilation, then you will know that as we get closer to the speed of light, time slows down for us. But there will be no such thing in the Warp Drive, because our vehicle is not actually moving at the speed of light or faster than that, we have beaten the speed of light by just spreading and compressing the space. In this case, time will be completely normal for us. I hope by now you have understood how Warp Drive will work.

Is Warp Drive really Possible ?

If we talk about compressing the space, then we know that it is possible to do so. Einstein told us that a large mass or a lot of energy compresses the space-time. But for the warp drive to work properly, we need to compress the space-time, for that we need at least as much mass as the planet Jupiter. But this is also not the problem. Actually the problem is how to spread the space. To do this we need something whose mass is negative. If there is such an object, then it will behave exactly opposite in comparison to ordinary things.

For example, if the earth attracts an ordinary object, the object with negative mass will go away from it. If you kick ordinary objects then they go away from you, but if you do this with an object of negative mass, it will come towards you. It is also difficult to imagine such an object.  Despite this, negative mass is also technically possible and we can get it at the quantum level. But to make the warp drive successful, we need high amount of negative mass.

It is possible that in this universe, the negative mass can also be present somewhere in the form of matter. But for us, it will be very difficult to find them because the force of gravity acts on them in opposite way. That is, such substances will always go away from the celestial bodies. This means that they cannot be around us. This is the reason why it is not possible for us to use warp drive at present time.

If we assume that somehow we get positive and negative mass in abundance and we are able to convert the warp drive into reality, then we have to go through many other problems. The first problem will be that we will not be able to contact anyone outside the bubble during the journey. The second problem is that during the journey a lot of space junks will be gathered outside the bubble. When we reach our destination and return the space around our vehicle in its original form, then these space junks will hit the planet at a rapid speed. Due to which all the living beings on that planet will be destroyed.

According to Stephen Hawking Chronology Protection Conjecture, quantum mechanics always prevents such action from happening which breaks the causality. Perhaps this is why Stephen Hawking believe that it is not possible to make a machine like time machine. In case of warp drive, there is a possibility of a quantum disaster. NASA has also got some success in making warp field at quantum level, but it will still take at least one hundred to two hundred years to make warp drive possible on big level.

What is Warp Drive

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